In a world where the opposition to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) grows from strength to strength, the progressive advocates of the SRHR movement have yet to achieve effective, sustainable and reliable transition systems for the next line of leadership development by handing down resources, experience and institutional support from generation to generation.
In recognition of this fact and by being a women’s and health rights advocacy organisation, ARROW has invested in the development of a young people’s SRHR advocacy partnership project called the Women’s Health and Rights Advocacy Partnership-South East Asia (WHRAP-SEA). Initiated in 2009 and focusing on the issues of young people, HIV and education, the advocacy generated around young people’s access to comprehensive sexuality education has been defined and is led by grassroots youth activists from marginalised communities of young people, including from Burma: Burma Medical Association (BMA), Migrants Action Programme (MAP) Foundation and Myanmar Positive Women’s Network (MPWN); Cambodia: Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC); China: Yunnan Health Development and Research Association (YHDRA); Indonesia: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan (YJP); Laos: University of Health Sciences (UHS); The Philippines: Likhaan; and Vietnam: Centre for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (CCIHP).