ARROW’s five-year strategic plan, for the period 2022-2026, outlines four domains of change and how each of these domains will be implemented, executed and accomplished.
ARROW’s vision of desired change for this five-year period is an equal, just, and equitable world where women, non-binary persons and young people in all of their diversities can enjoy their full sexual and reproductive rights in the Asia Pacific region.
The Four Domains of Change are:
Domain of Change 1:
Governments adopt, implement and account for laws, policies and programmes, that uphold gender justice and sexual and reproductive rights and fulfil women’s and young people’s sexual and reproductive rights outcomes.
Domain of Change 2:
Civic space is protected, and allowed to expand and thrive where women and young people in all their diversities organise, dialogue, participate, advocate and communicate without hindrance, and in doing so, influence the SRHR political and social structures around them at national, regional and global levels.
Domain of Change 3:
Mobilised Communities reinforce positive norms and values around women’s and young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and recognise SRHR as a basic human right.
Domain of Change 4:
Feminist movements, SRHR alliances and other social movements uphold women’s and young people’s sexual and reproductive rights.