Location: Flexible
Application Deadline: 30th January 2023
Timeline: 15 Feb 2023 – 30 June 2023
Expected travel: International travel to project countries
Purpose of the EoI (objectives and scope): ARROW is seeking an evaluation consultant team to come on board to conduct end of project evaluation and assess an ARROW project, implemented with our partners in five countries in Asia – Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal and the Philippines on the Right to Safe Abortion. This project commenced in 2018 and will end on 31st December 2023.
The key objectives of the evaluation are as follows:
- To conduct an evaluation of the project for entire six years duration against effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, sustainability and impact area. The evaluation should also factor in the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic as the restrictions including lockdowns significantly affected the project activities and timelines for which the project activities went through several stages of adaptations. This was particularly the case for activities that involved close interaction with the beneficiaries of the project which in this case comprised of women and girls and the community they live in.
- To do a quantitative and qualitative study (using focus group discussions, interviews or surveys) on the impact of the project interventions in the communities in five countries that the national partners have reached out to through the entire duration of the project.
- To identify key lessons and promising/emerging good practices in the field of ending violence against women and girls, for learning purposes.
Start date and duration: The contract for carrying out the end evaluation of the project will start from 15th February 2023 and end on 30th June 2023.
Key criteria for selection: External experts hired to conduct evaluations must have experience in gender equality, intersectionality and issues impacting access to safe abortion and can demonstrate an ability to conduct a gender-responsive evaluation.
The evaluator will be responsible for undertaking the evaluation from start to finish and for managing the evaluation while working with the program manager from the grantee organisation, for the data collection and analysis, as well as report drafting and finalisation in English. The evaluator can propose in the budget an evaluation team if needed- this may include interpreter and field researcher. The proposed methodology should include international travel although in-person data collection is not a strict requirement for the role.
🔗 Download the full EOI document here.
How to apply: Applicants should submit a technical and financial process based on the Terms of Reference and resume by 30th Jan 2023 to garima@arrow.org.my copying indah@arrow.org.my with “End Evaluation Consultancy” as the subject title.