Shortly before reaching the 20-year mark since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in ’94, in partnership with ARROW (The Asian Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women), the Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (RSMLAC) developed a follow-up study to the Program of Action (PA) agreements in six countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
This report is an analytical synthesis of the regional context contrasting the challenges posed over 20 years ago with the new social, economic, political and cultural reality. In this report, there is an emphasis on advances that occur when states come to accept their position as the trues guarantors of the rights of women. On the other hand, the underlying causes that prevent the advancement of the ICPD agenda are noted, of which the most recurrent and historical interference is that of the religious orders, which calls into question the validity of the secular state in Latin America and the Caribbean.