Migration and population mobility has become a permanent facet of a rapidly globalising world, and the Asia-Pacific region is no exception. In 2010, Asia accounted for 27.5 million international migrants, representing close to 13% of the total global figure of 214 million. Women constituted 48% or almost half of that On the other hand, the Pacific region had approximately six million international migrants in 2010, of which 51.3% were women.
Migration results from the interactions between political, social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors. It encompasses various forms of movement of people, and is characterised by duration, reason and form. It includes migration of refugees, displaced persons, economic migrants, environmental migrants,and persons moving for other purposes, including family reunification. Distinctions are commonly drawn among migrants according to whether their movement is classified as forced or voluntary, internal or international, temporary or permanent, or economic or non-economic.
For purposes of this editorial, the focus will be on international women migrant workers, specifically those who work within temporary contractual arrangements.