This bibliography is a selection of abstracts of key materials from ARROW’S Documentation Centre related to the themes of the resource kiT. The materials thus focus on change in conceptual frameworks, perspectives, policies and programmes towards more appropriate and responsive policies and programmes to meet women’s health needs. Practicality was a main selection criteria, thus abstracts of a number of handbooks and manuals on gender planning or gender training have been included. Several key monographs on women’s health and women’s perspectives on population and fertility regulation are also included. The bibliography has been organised according to the four sections of the resource kit: 1) Framework for Change; 2) Perspectives for Change; 3) Policies for Change; and 4) Programmes for Change, indicated by the running titles on the side of each page. Materials are listed alphabetically according to the author. Many more abstracts of materials on these themes are available in other ARROW publications – Gender and Women k Health, Information Package No. 2,1996, Reappraising Population Policies and Fami& Planning Programmes: An Annotated Bibliography. ARROW Bibliography Series: 1 (19 94), Towards Women- Centred Reproductive Health, Information Package No. 1 (1994) and “From the Documentation Centre”, in ARROW’S bulletin, ARROWS For Change, all issues. Photocopies of materials listed can be obtained as an information service of the Documentation Centre (subject to copyright laws) or more details of the publisher source can be provided.