From August 22-24, 2024, 82 young people from Asia and the Pacific came together for the Asia-Pacific Regional Convening Ahead of the Summit of the Future – Young People at the Forefront.
During the event, the attendees developed the Asia Pacific Regional Convening Ahead of the Summit of the Future – Young People at the Forefront Call to Action.
This document will serve as a crucial advocacy resource, enabling us to advocate for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), upholding human rights and gender equality, pushing for climate actions, standing up for peace and security, and breaking the barriers in science and technology.
The call to action includes demands and recommendations related to the SDGs as well as future frameworks such as the outcomes of the Summit of the Future, Second World Summit For Social Development, and the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4).
The Asia-Pacific Regional Convening Ahead of the Summit of the Future: Young People at the Forefront Call to Action provides recommendations for Member States at both regional and global levels, as well as for local governments and all key stakeholders to ensure that our recommendations are heard and acted upon.
The Summit of the Future is a crucial space for us to amplify the call.