ARROW and Youth Constituency of Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM) are jointly organising Pre-APFSD Youth Forum titled, “Young People in the SDGs: Sustainable Solutions to Eradicate Poverty and Promote Prosperity” on 23-25 March, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The youth forum will strategise on how the global partnership for sustainable development can be revitalised integrating young people’s issues, rights and aspirations through the means of implementation goal, meaningful youth participation, social justice, gender equality, and SRHR for all. More specifically, the youth forum aims:
1. To bring together young people, youth-led and youth- serving organisations from the Asia Pacific region to discuss the APFSD 2017 thematic issue of “Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing Asia and Pacific” and how young people can engage meaningfully with this process;
2. Young people from the region will provide concrete youth-focused recommendations to the APFSD outcome document ,and the regional implementation, follow up and review of 2030 Agenda ;
3. Young people from the region will discuss respective SDG goals, which are the focus for APFSD and HLPF 2017, (Goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 14 and 17), and deliberate on how young people’s issues can be integrated within these goals and the broader development agenda.
4. Young people from the Asia Pacific VNR countries in 2017 (Afghanistan, Iran, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Japan, and Nepal) will discuss recommendations to be taken forward to the Member States in the country VNR reviews;
5. Young people will develop a “YOUTH CALL TO ACTION FOR APFSD 2017” which will be used for advocacy during the CSO Forum for APFSD 2017, official APFSD 2017 deliberations and outcome documents to fully integrate young people issues in the APFSD and related regional processes.
In this context, ARROW and APRCEM’s youth constituency is inviting applications for participation in the youth forum on self-funded basis. Please send in your application by filling up this form:
Important Notes:
• Young people (30 yrs old and below) from youth-led/youth-serving organisations and youth movement from Asia and the Pacific are eligible to apply.
• Application deadline: 27 February, 2017 (12 midnight Bangkok, Thailand time).
• Please make sure to fill in all the questions and make your applications as strong as possible. Your answer should be concise and clear.
• Participation is on self-funded basis. Participants will cover their own travel, accommodation and lodging. Lunch and refreshments during the meeting is being provided by the organisers.
• Announcement for selected participants – 8 March, 2017
Share this announcement widely to your network, particularly for grassroots youth-led/youth-serving organisations and young people’s movements working on issue of sustainable development and SDGs processes.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to write to Samreen (, Dhivya ( and/or Jeffry Acaba (