We are launching the digital version of ARROW’s SRHR Knowledge Sharing Centre (ASK-us)!
ARROW has been one of the last remaining physical resource centres dedicated to women’s health and SRHR issues in the global South and globally, with collections of varying formats numbering over 25,000. Today, through the digital ASK-us, we are bringing all of them to you, at the click of a button.
We envision the digital ASK-us to be an advanced form of an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), containing comprehensive and up-to-date collection of resources organized thematically and chronologically as well as geographically, packaged in a user-friendly interface that is free to access for all.
Below is a collection of photos that briefly looks at the components of the webpage:
Home Page
The home page of our digital ASK-us, designed to be minimalistic and out-of-the way, prominently displaying the search field.
Featured Publications of the Month
Under the search field, the Featured Publications of the month will showcase resources based on the month’s theme; September, for instance, features resources on abortion in keeping with the International Safe Abortion Day. This will be updated every month.
The “About” page succinctly describes the history of ARROW’s resource centre, the space that ASK-us occupies within ARROW and the greater SRHR advocacy, as well as a Frequently Asked Question and a quick tutorial on how to navigate the website.
Advanced Search
When a visitor wants to search for publications from a specific theme, location or time frame, the Advance Search function allows for a more granular approach, ensuring relevant results every time.
Search Result Page
Each search results are arranged for maximum utility, with the thumbnails of each resources arranged in a grid for easy viewing, including the original published date.
By clicking on the Resources tab from the homepage, visitors will be able to see a complete listing of available publications with the option of sorting them by date and language. There is also a list of all the Thematic Areas and Regions and Countries on the left for visitors’ convenience.
Tools for Advocates
Tools for Advocates contains useful publications that serves as tools for general advocacy purposes; this will only get more populated in time, so check it frequently!
Key Titles
The “Key Titles” webpage contains links to collated resources based on a specific theme which are used for our keystone publication, ARROW for Change as well as other publications. The collated resources are also summarized!
Reach us through the Contact page! Give us your feedback, recommendations and your thoughts on ARROW’s ASK-us, and we will try our best to get back to you.
Visit ASK-us here: http://www.srhr-ask-us.org/