Declaración conjunta de las OSC instando a los estados miembros a respetar, proteger y cumplir con los Derechos y Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de adolescentes y jóvenes durante la 41 sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos
Debate general bajo el punto 8 de la agenda.
Señor Presidente,
Realizo la presente declaración en nombre de 300 OSC. Mediante la Declaración de Viena y numerosos compromisos regionales e internacionales, donde los estados miembros acordaron respetar, proteger y cumplir los derechos humanos (DDHH) de adolescentes y jóvenes, incluidos el derecho a la vida, autonomía corporal, educación, la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI), supervivencia y desarrollo. Sin embargo, muchos estados miembros dudan en reconocer el papel de la sexualidad de adolescentes y jóvenes más allá de los vínculos con la reproducción.
Las violaciones de los DDHH que afectan a adolescentes y jóvenes deben ubicarse en el contexto de opresiones múltiples e intersectoriales. Millones de jóvenes, especialmente las niñas, son obligadas a tener relaciones sexuales no deseadas o al matrimonio1 , poniéndolas en riesgo de embarazos precoces o no deseados, abortos inseguros, infecciones de transmisión sexual, incluido el VIH, y partos que ponen en peligro su vida.2 De hecho, las complicaciones relacionadas con el embarazo y el parto son la principal causa de muerte entre las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años en el mundo.3
Las leyes restrictivas y los requisitos de consentimiento de los padres o la autorización de terceros continúan obstaculizando la plena realización de los derechos y Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (DSSR) de adolescentes y jóvenes. Con la mayor población mundial de jóvenes, millones fracasarán si las violaciones de derechos humanos que nos afectan no se abordan y resuelven de manera efectiva. Instamos al Consejo de DDHH a reconocer y reafirmar los DSSR de adolescentes y jóvenes a través de sus resoluciones, diálogos, debates y EPUs. Además, instamos a los estados miembros a que respeten, protejan y cumplan con los DSSR de adolescentes y jóvenes, con especial atención a aquellos que enfrentan formas múltiples e intersectoriales de opresión, incluso mediante el reconocimiento pleno de su capacidad legal para acceder a ESI y servicios de DSSR de manera autónoma. Los estados deben implementar medidas efectivas para prevenir y eliminar las violaciones de los DSSR de las adolescentes, incluidas las acciones encaminadas a controlar la sexualidad de las niñas, las prácticas nocivas y las intervenciones médicas coaccionadas o negadas, así como para combatir de manera efectiva la impunidad generalizada. Además, proporcionarles reparaciones efectivas, acceso a la justicia y garantías de no repetición en casos de violación y negación de sus derechos corporales.
*This joint CSO statement is delivered on behalf of: Aahung, Pakistan; Abortion Access Campaign West; Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada; Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights; Action Group for Health Human Rights and HIV/AIDS (AGHA); Action on Africa Women Foundation Ghana; Advocates for Youth; Africa Alive; Africa for SDGs; Africa Young Positives Network (AY+); Afrihealth Optonet Association; AGROMART OUTREACH FOUNDATION; Akili Dada; Aliansi Remaja Independen (ARI); Aliansi Satu Visi; Alliance for Choice; Alliance Nationale des Jeunes Pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale; APGANZ (Abortion Providers Group Aotearoa NZ); Arc en ciel Sénégal; Ardhanary Institute; ASEAN SOGIE Caucus; Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA); Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW); Asociacion Ciudadana ACCEDER; Association des Juristes Sénégalaises (AJS); Association for Dalit Women Advancement of Nepal; Association For Promotion Sustainable Development; Association for War Affected Women, Sri Lanka; Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON); Aware Girls; Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud AC; Bandhu Social Welfare Society; Bangladesh Mahila Prashad; Bangweulu Wetlands Project; BAPSA (Association for Prevention of Septic Abortion, Bangladesh); Bargad, Pakistan; Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC), Nepal; Blue Diamond Society; Blue Veins, Pakistan; Boys of Bangladesh; BRAC; Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Carbone Guinée; Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (CCIHP), Vietnam; Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE); Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD); Center for Karnali Rural Promote and Society Development (CDS-PARK), Mugu; Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD); Center for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights – PROMSEX; Centre d’Accompagnement des Alternatives Locales de Developpement (Caald); Centre for Child and the Law, National Law School of India University; Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR); Centre for the Study of Adolescence; Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education (CYECE); Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES); Channan Development Association (CDA); Child Poverty Action Group; Children of the World Foundation (COW Foundation); CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality; Civic Union Public Accociation; Coalizão da juventude; COC Nederland; Collective for Social Science Research; CommonHealth; Commonwealth Youth Health Network; Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan (CIDP); Concerted College School Ntinda; Consorcio par el Diálogo MX; Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies; Dance4Life; Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA); Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN); Disabled Persons Assembly – Christchurch and Districts; Dot Youth Zimbabwe; Dr Uzo Adirieje Foundation (DUZAFOUND), Nigeria; DSW (Deustche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung/German Foundation for World Population; Ecoforum of Uzbekistan; End FGM European Network; Enfold Proactive Health Trust; EngenderHealth; Equidad; Family Health Options Kenya; Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB); Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN); Family Planning New Zealand; Family Planning NSW; Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP); FECCIWA/ACCEAO (Fellowship of Christian Council and Churches in West Africa); FEDERACIÓN PLANIFICACIÓN FAMILIAR ESTATAL; Fédération Nigérienne des Personnes Handicapées (FNPH); Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia (FRHAM); Federation of Sexual and Gender Minorities of Nepal (FSGMN); FIAN International; Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM); Fokus Muda; FORO REGIONAL POR LOS DERECHOS SEXUALES Y REPRODUCTIVOS AREQUIPA PERÚ; Forum for Dignity Initiative (FDI); Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual; Fundación de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla; Gatef organization; Global Doctors for Choice; Global Network of Women Peacebuilders; Graduate Women New Zealand; Hartsheba Limited; Hivos; Human Development and Environment Protection Forum (HUDEP); Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum; Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP); Human Rights Network Uganda; Human Rights Support Society; Idara-i-Taleem-o-Agahi (ITA), Pakistan; Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice (IHCS); Indus Resource Center (IRC); International Alliance of Women (IAW); International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion; International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF); International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, Mexico; Inti Muda Indonesia; Ipas; IPPF Africa Region; JAGO NARI; James P Grant School of Public Health (JPGSPH), Brac University; Justice, Aid and Development (JAD) Foundation; Khpal Kore Organization, Pakistan; Kilusan para sa Repormang Agraryo at Katarungang Panlipunan (KATARUNGAN – Philippines); Kiribati Family Health Association; Kiribati YPeer Network; KITASAMA, Indonesia; kkr ks charitable trust; KOTHOWAIN (Vulnerable Peoples Development Organization); Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur; L’ Associacio. Drets Sexuals i Reproductius; La Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres; Ladlad Caraga Incorporated; Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization; Latin American and the Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN); LOOM, Nepal; Make Mothers Matter (MMM); Marie Stopes International; MARUAH, Singapore; Medical Impact; MenEngage Alliance; Movimiento Manuela Ramos; Muvubuka Agunjuse Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Centre; Myanmar Ethnic Women Refugees Organization (MEWRO); Najoti kudakon, Tajikistan; Nalane for Reproductive Justice; Naripokkho; National Campaign For Sustainable Development – Nepal; National Council of Women – Hamilton Branch; National Council of Women – South Canterbury branch; National Council of Women -Tauranga; National Council of Women New Zealand; National Fisheries Solidarity Movement; National Forum for Advocacy, Nepal; National Users Network of Nepal (NUNN); NCW NZ, MWIA; Nepal Disable Women Association (NDWA); Network for Adolescent and Youth of Africa; New Zealand College of Midwives; New Zealand College of Midwives (NZCOM), Auckland Region; New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, Te Kauae Kaimahi Women’s Council; NYARWEK LGBT+ NETWORK; ODRI Intersectional Rights; ONG PADJENA; Organisation Intersex International (OII) Europe; Organized Centre for Empowerment and Advocacy in Nigeria (OCEAN); Pamflet; Parole aux jeunes; Participatory Research Action Network – PRAN; Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI); Plan International; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; PRAVAH; PRERANA (SUPPORT GROUP FOR PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT); Psychological Responsiveness NGO; Pusat Kajian Gender dan Seksualitas FISIP UI; Radanar Ayar Association, Myanmar; Radha Paudel Foundation; Rahima; Rahnuma – Family Planning Association of Pakistan; Rapad Maroc ; Reach A Hand Uganda; Red Dot Foundation; Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC); Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC); Reproductive Health Services Training and Education Programme (RHSTEP); Reproductive Health Uganda; Restless Development; Restless Development Nepal; Right Here Right Now Bangladesh; Right Here Right Now Bolivia; Right Here Right Now Carribbean Sub-region; Right Here Right Now Honduras; Right Here Right Now Indonesia; Right Here Right Now Kenya; Right Here Right Now Nepal; Right Here Right Now Sénégal; Right Here Right Now Uganda; Right Here Right Now Zimbabwe; Right to Food Network, Malawi; Rights for All Women; ROOTS; Rural Area Development Programme, RADP; Rural Women’s Network Nepal (RUWON Nepal); Rutgers International; RutgersWPF Indonesia; Sahara Welfare Foundation, Pakistan; SAHAYOG; Sanggar Waria Remaja (SWARA); SANTE SEXUELLE Suisse; SERAC Bangladesh; Sex og Politikk; SEXUAL HEALTH Switzerland; Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG); Sexual Rights Initiative (SRI); SFBSP – Burundi; Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre; Simavi; Society for Conservation & Sustainability of Energy & Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN); Society for Environmental Actions, Reconstruction and Humanitarian response (SEARCH), Pakistan; Society for Health Education (SHE Maldives); Society for International Development (SID); SOFA; Sonke Gender Justice; Soroptimist International of Aotearoa New Zealand; Success Capital Organisation; Sukaar welfare organization Pakistan; Swedish Association for Sexuality and Development (RFSU); TAFAWUQ CONSULTING CENTER for DEVELOPMENT; Taller Salud; TDJ – BURUNDI; Tertiary Education Union Te Hautū Kahurangi; The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID); The Association of Anglican Women New Zealand; The Garden of Hope Foundation; The Health practitioners, researchers and inventors awards Uganda; The Judith Trust; The Kota Alliance; The Queer Muslim Project; The Swedish Federation of LGBT Rights – RFSL; The Tandem Project; The YP Foundation; TICAH; Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV/AIDS (UNYPA); Uganda Youth Alliance For Family Planning And Adolescent Health-UYAFPAH; UN Major Group for Children and Youth; UN Women Aotearoa NZ; Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Développement (UNASCAD); Unite for Bodily Alliance; United Nations Association of New Zealand; Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights; Vaagdhara, India; Visible Impact; Wairarapa Women’s Centre; WDF (IEO); WeCan; WomanHealth Philippines; Women Enabled International; Women Health Foundation; Women Working Group (WWG) Indonesia; Women’s Centre; Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR); Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights Africa; WOMEN’S INITIATIVES (WINS); Women’s March Aotearoa New Zealand; Women’s Rights Centre; Y-PEER; Y-PEER Afghanistan; Y-PEER Albania; Y-PEER Asia Pacific Regional Center, Bangkok; Y-PEER Bhutan; Y-PEER Kazakhstan; Y-PEER Kiribati; Y-PEER Laos; Y-PEER Mongolia Foundation; Y-PEER Myanmar; Y-PEER Nepal; Y-PEER Syria; Yayasan Kesehatan Perempuan; YouAct – European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Young Omang Pakistan; Young Women’s Advisory Group (YWAG) to the Equality Rights Alliance; Youth Action Hub Guinea – CNUCED; Youth Action Nepal; Youth Advocacy Network (YAN); Youth Advocacy Network Sri Lanka; Youth Advocates Zimbabwe; Youth And Women For Opportunities Uganda-YWOU; Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan; Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Youth Development Center; Youth Engage; Youth Equality Centre – YEC; Youth Forum Papua; Youth Interfaith Forum on Sexuality (YIFOS); Youth Lead; Youth Peer Afghanistan Organization (YPAO); YUWA, Nepal; Yuwalaya, Nepal; YWCA Christchurch; Zimbabwe United Nations Association; Zonta International.
[1] UNICEF. (2018). Child Marriage: Latest Trends and Future Prospects. Retrieved from
[2] Abdul Cader, A. (2017). Ending Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: SRHR as Central to the Solution. Kuala Lumpur: Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW). Retrieved from
[3] WHO. (2018). Adolescents: health risks and solutions. Retrieved from